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RE: Answers, Questions, and Stuff

From: (Ed Dambik)
Date: 4 Feb 93 12:30:10 -0600
Subject: RE: Answers, Questions, and Stuff
To: rec-music-gaffa@uunet.UU.NET
Organization: Fermi National Accelerator Lab

Thanks to Jeff Burka and Brent Aliverti for figuring out the name of
the release I was looking for -- the "Aspects of the Sensual World"
EP. Now if I could only find a copy (I've been haunting used record
shops but usually only find expensive interview picture disks).

Thanks also to those who offered their Happy suggestions. I picked up
ECTO -- excellent album. Anybody planning to post a review of the new

Anyone else notice Gaffa fading in and out (it's been inactive for
the last few days)? I think a few of my posts also ended up in

Great play list Vickie! I'm attempting to bribe a better placed friend
to record your show for me (as a matter of fact, this friend got me
hooked in the first place by lending me HOUNDS OF LOVE). By the way,
do you play any Au Pairs?
