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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 11:15:58 PST
Subject: HAIR!
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

Oh, yes!  Let's talk about hair!  I love hair, especially LONG hair and
especially Kate's hair (which I continually remind myself to keep from getting
too jellous, is primped and pampered continually while shooting videos and
talking pictures so that it always looks perfect.  We can only assume she
has her share of bad-hair-days like all the rest of us :-).

I have spend the last oh, five years growing my once Annie Lennox-length hair
to it's present 3 - 4 inches below the shoulders length.  It's been eternity,
believe me and I get upset when anyone I know with long tresses subjects them
to a radical hack, so I REALLY hope Kate has not cut her hair, but it is
her hair after all.

I havn't seen TSW video but in L&A her hair definately comes to the top of
her bum.  It could be extensions, but in RUTH her hair was to her waist so
it's quite possible that it got to her bum all on it's own.

As for the mother issue:  I really hope that at Kate's age she's not still
trying to please her mum by keeping it long.  I think if anyone/anything is
"encouraging" Kate to keep her hair long in opposition to what she'd like (if
that indeed is the case) then it us.  I don't think there's a Kate fan out
there wishing she'd cut her hair.  If there is let's hear from you!

(Just re-read this.  Please excuse the typos!  There's lots!) :-)
