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From: (ronald hill)
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 93 22:50:05 PST
Subject: :::::::::::::::: MONTHLY FAQ PART II ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Comments: Cloudbuster
Organization: NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA
KATE INFO At a fan club convention in November 1990, Kate announced that she hoped to have a new album finished by the end of 1991, and that she was planning to "play some dates" at the end of 1991, her first 'tour' since her only tour in 1979. Del Palmer told a fan it might include some in the US. In her latest interview (December '91) Kate said her album might be out the "middle to later part" of 1992, though now, of course, we're hoping we can expect it in 1993. :-( The tour is as far as anyone knows still in the works, but of course the album must be finished first. Eric Clapton definately plays on several of the tracks. Kate's buoyant cover of Rocket Man finally arrived October 22, on the Elton John tribute album "Two Rooms", and a CDsingle with Kate's cover of "Candle in the Wind" as B-sid' is out in the UK. Kate also made a video for "Rocket Man" (not commonly seen yet in America) and performed the song on Britain's Wogan program. Fans of Kate were saddened by the news of the passing of her mother on Valentine's day, 1992. Kate's earliest band was called the KT Bush Band, (KT being readable as Katie), and all her albums have had a KT emblem hidden somewhere on the cover. It can also be seen in the _Army_Dreamers_ and _The_Big_Sky_ videos. (The initials KT can also be seen in the _Army_Dreamers_ video.) With the release of the This Woman's Work boxed set in the UK, Japan and Canada, she introduced a new version of the symbol, integrating a "K" and a "T" with the _O_ biological symbol for woman. |< FAQS AND MOST COMMON ANSWERS: No, she's not married, but she has a longstanding Significant Other: Del Palmer, her bassist. Yes, she smokes, and we all hope she'll stop. Yes, she's a vegetarian, though she now eats fish. 5'3", no middle name. She has two brothers, John Carter Bush (Jay), born 1944-- he takes many of the photos of Kate that appear on her albums-- and Paddy Bush, b. 1952, who plays many of the exotic instruments found on Kate's albums. Yes, she is indeed a fox. No, she doesn't hate to tour, just can't find the time between making albums and videos. Yes, she appeared on Saturday Night Live in 1978, but the tape you can purchase of that show has her edited out! Yes, that's Donald Sutherland in the Cloudbusting video. No, we don't have her home address! Well, at the end of "Hello, Earth" the German words are: "Tiefer, tiefer, irgendwo in der Tiefe giebt es ein Licht" This means: "deeper, deeper, somewhere in the depth there is a light." Albums: The Cathy Demos (Twenty three bootleg gems ca. 1975-1977??) Five of these are demos of songs that later albums. Available on various bootlegs. (Anybody have an early 80's album called THE EARLY YEARS?) There are also six "Kick Inside demos", which include an unreleased song "Scares Me Silly". Also there are two Babooshka demos and various other songs on boots. The Kick Inside (TKI: passionate and girlish, includes her British megahit Wuthering Heights, 1978) Lionheart (LH: rushed, rewarmed TKI is still absolute genius, 1978) Now in special $80 "Lioness At Heart" edition, which includes t-shirt and album sized photo-book. Never For Ever [There is a box set for this as well] (NfE: Kate begins producing, ascends into the sixth level of enlightenment, 1980) The Dreaming (TD: The Seventh Level of Enlightenment. Too naked for more timid souls. Play it... LOUDER! 1982) The Single File (Boxset of 45's, *tres* collectible. 1983) Hounds of Love (HoL: One side delectably bright, one side deliciously shadowy. The shadowy side is a never-filmed movie of a drowning woman's last hours in the sea. Does she survive? Kate says so, your mileage may vary. 1985) The Whole Story (TWS: compilation-cum-video, 1986) The Sensual World (TSW: Her "most feminine" album, whatever that means. Noisily engineered. Some love it, some don't quite love it, especially "Reaching Out". 1989) This Woman's Work Boxed Set (TWW). Not released in the U.S.A. Awefully pricey, and no lryics or credits on the extra disks. Includes extra disks I and II: Almost all B-sides, dance-mixes, and other incidentals are collected on the extra disks, but not all. Major songs missing are: Dreamtime (The Dreaming instrumental/remix), Running Up That Hill (instrumental), The Sensual World (instrumental), Be Kind to My Mistakes (original soundtrack album version, much longer than and very different from the single re-mix, most like it better), The Confrontation (instrumental from the Comic Strip film, GLC) Doesn't included any previously unreleased material or session work with other artists. Great music though, yeah! 1990) The Japanese version of this boxset has: --no stickers (umpteen almost-identical KTfems symbols - tell us if you think of something to do with em?), --more/bigger books in Japanese with non-canonical lyrics in English, --the Japanese album-covers for TKI and NfE, and --the mythical "better-sounding CDs" (tell us if you believe this). Official video tapes are: Live At The Hammersmith Odeon (1981). TV special of Kate's only concert tour, unfortunately it contains only one hour out of the two and a half hour show. The missing footage has never been seen, aside from one showing at the 1985 Kate Bush Convention. The Whole Story (1986). Contains most of Kate's videos up to 1986. The Single File (1983). Contains all of Kate's video up till 1983. Similar to The Whole Story, but contains five videos not on The Whole Story (the earlier "Wow" video, Hammer Horror, Them Heavy People, Suspended In Gaffa, There Goes A Tennor) and lacks the newer videos. Not available in the U.S.A., but it is available on import from Canada. The Sensual World (1989). Contains videos from that album and interview footage. The American version contains much less interview footage then the British version. The British version is the complete 1989 VH-1 special. The Hair Of The Hound (1986) is now out of date, as The Whole Story contains everything on The Hair Of The Hound. There are also more then a hundred "underground" videos, which are traded amoung fans and are shown at Katemas parties and the like. These are primarily television performances and interviews. Printed books on Kate are numerous, more details about and corrections to these books are available in the archives: Kate Bush - A Visual Documentary (1988). Probably the best liked book overall. Kate Bush Complete - "Official" book containing the sheet music to all of Kate's songs up to 1986. Also contains separate lyrics, a great chronology, many photos, and a discography. Cathy (1986) - Book of photos of Kate as a child, by her brother, John Carter Bush. No longer available. :-( The Illustrated Collector's Guide To Kate Bush (1991) - Book with details and pictures of all kinds of Kate Kollectables, fun even for non-collectors. To order send $13.95 to C-SIDE RECORDS, PO BOX 8456 CLEARWATER, FL 34618. Phone 1-813-461-4327. C-SIDE is also a good place to get all kinds of Kate stuff, be sure to get on their mailing list. Kate Bush - The Whole Story (1988). Despite appearances, not a sanctioned book, and certainly not the whole story. Positive, but contains numerous factual and publishing errors. For "The Whole Story" on this book, see Andrew Marvick's review in the archives. Kate Bush - The First Twelve Years [1992]. Homeground says: is another collection of newpaper and magazine cutting covering the years from 1978 in two volumes selling for about L12-00 in Britain and L15 postpaid to America. Details can be obtained via the fanzine Never For Ever. [See below] Kate Bush - With Love (1988). Reprints of Kate-related articles, interviews, and reviews, some positive, some negative. Interesting mainly to see how the music press has reacted to Kate over the years. Secret History of Kate Bush (And The Strange Art Of Pop) (1983). Intellectual (as opposed to intelligent) book about Kate's family history, story, and fans. Commonly available, but only recommend for the photos. Kate Bush: Princess of Suburbia by Fred and Judy Vermorel (1980?), again only recommended for the photos. Hard to find. Kate Bush: An Illustrated Biography (1980) by Paul Kerton, positive but error-prone book. Interesting yet again mainly for the photos. Hard to find. Was also available in German. After being on love-hounds for a few months, most fans find the fanzines rarely have information they have not already heard. The most common fanzines are the Kate Bush Club (KBC) and Homeground. The KBC unfortunately only seems to come now when there is a new album out, but is always worth the wait as it has original articles by Kate and her family and lots of great photos. KBC, PO Box 120, Welling Kent, DA16 3DS, UK Homeground comes out almost regularly and has news, great articles, stories, and drawings. Homeground, PO Box 176, Orpington, Kent, BR5 3NA UK Never For Ever is another long-establish fanzine. 28 Millbrook St, Plasmar 1, Swansea SA6 8JY Wales Kate's session work for other artists include:_You_ for Roy Harper, _Sing, _Children,_Sing_ for Leslie Duncan (Kate is scarcely identifiable), _Flowers_ for Zaine Griff, _The_Man_With_the_Child_in_His_Eyes_ for Ray Shell, _The_Seer_ for Big Country, _The_King_is_Dead_ for Go West, _Sister_and_Brother_ for Midge Ure, _Do_Bears_Sh..._in_the_Woods?_ with Rowan Atkinson (from _The_Utterly_Utterly_Live_Comic_Relief_ album) , and _No_Self_Control_, _Games_Without_Frontiers_ and _Don't_Give_Up_ for Peter Gabriel; plus her performance of the Maurice Jarre/Paul Webster song _The_Magician_, which is only barely audible in the background of the Alan Arkin movie, _The_Magician_of_Lublin_. Also, the never released title track for the movie _Brazil_ and _The_Spirit_Of_The_Forest_ benefit single. Also the title track for Roy Harper's _Once_. --- (ronald hill) NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA