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Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 14:06:27 BST
Subject: Kate and the Brits Awards
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET (user alias)
one of the local papers was commenting on the nominations for this year's Brit Awards (the British music industry's annual self-promotion) and included the throw-away remark that they were surprised to see that Kate Bush had received a nomination despite the fact that she had not been very active recently. There was no mention of which category. Does anyone know if this is correct? If so in what category has she been nominated (I don't think there is a "Most time between albums" award :-) ) Neil -- Neil Calton UUCP: ..!mcsun!ukc!rlinf!nbc Informatics Department, NSFNET: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, BITNET: Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0QX JANET: England Tel: +44 235 44 5740 Fax: +44 235 44 5831