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From: (ronald hill)
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 92 22:57:15 PST
Subject: ^^^^^^^^^ Monthly FAQ for fans who don't know WOOF! PART III ^^^^^^^^
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Comments: Cloudbuster
Organization: NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA
FILES AVAILABLE All past messages of can be ftp'd from the love-hounds archive at ftp.UU.NET [] in /usenet/ Song lyrics, interviews, the Garden and Cloudbusting, etc are in /usenet/ on the same host. There are innumberable GIF (picture) files available including pics from the 1990 Kate Bush convention, which include pics of Kate's house and a Love-Hounds group pic (lovename.gif). Also, there are pics from the Cathy book (cathy??.gif), pics from the This Woman's Work booklet (TWW??.gif), pics from the 1979 Tour of Life booklet (page_??.gif), and uncounted more. To view these GIFs you will need a program for your type of computer. Public domain picture file viewers include CSHOW and PICEM for the IBM, TURBOGIF and HAMGIF for the Amiga, and Giffer or QuickGif for the Macintosh. GIF files are also available in /usenet/ [and, gif_footah, gif.saintjohn, pix.hill, gif_tour_program, gif.newer, gif.fenger] If you've never used ftp, you use a program on your UNIX system called FTP. You connect by typing: ftp ftp.UU.NET Log in as "anonymous", and use your username as your password. To change directories type: cd usenet/ "dir" will get you a directory, "get" and the filename will retrieve the file. If you "cd" again into "archives" or "kb" you'll find the main goodies, with "pix" being another subdirectory within "kb", and "gif" and "" within "pix". (When downloading gif's, set your transfer type to binary by typing binary at the "ftp>" prompt.) Two priceless resources for Katefans have recently been made available, both of Thewhich are much more interesting then anything published: "The Garden" is Andrew Marvick's compilation of reference material on Kate, [availible in /usenet/] including a detailed chronology of her life and career (much more complete then anything available anywhere else) [GARDEN01]. Also, a listing of all known Kate recordings, videography (which includes both official videos and the television appearances), and an extensive list of fan magazines [GARDEN02]. ALL of the lyrics (including background voices) to ALL of Kate's known songs (including unreleased songs) [GARDEN04]. All of John's and Paddy's [GARDEN03] interviews and articles for the Kate Bush Club Newsletter, as well as Kate's articles for the KBC [GARDEN05, GARDEN06]. Also included are about sixty interviews [GARDEN07 through GARDEN10]. "Cloudbusting - Kate Bush In Her Own Words" is Ron Hill's (the keeper of this monthly post) compilation of almost 200 interviews, sorted by song, story, and subject order, forming the closest we may ever see to a full-fledged Kate autobiography. It is available in regular text format, or in Wordperfect 4.2 format, which makes use of Wordperfect's underlining, bolding, and italizing, ability, and contains an extensive index. It is also available in MacWrite II, PostScript, and Word 4.0 versions. (Eventually the unedited interviews will be added into The Garden). There are also a series of Cloudbusting GIF (picture) files, which are located in love-hounds/kb/cloudbusting/gif [APPARENTLY THESE ARE THRASHED]. A title page [CTITLE.GIF and a larger version, CTITLEB.GIF], a title page for Part II [CSTORY.GIF] and part III [CSUBJECT.GIF], a credits screen [CREDITS.GIF], and a pic of 3 inch disk label [CLABEL.GIF, and a b&w version CLABELBW.GIF]. There are also pictures for most of the albums which show the picture of Kate from the album cover next to a listing of songs [titles begin with "O"]. There are also "alternative" pics for some of the albums, which show pictures SIMULAR to but not identical to the album covers [files begin with "A"]. There are also "full" pictures for some of the albums [titles begin with "F"], which are the raw, uncropped, pictures. Cloudbusting is available in /usenet/ ting. The text version is in /love-hounds/kb/cloudbusting/text. Filenames are cloud0.txt, cloud1a.txt, cloud1b.txt, cloud1c.txt, cloud2a.txt, cloud2b.txt, cloud3a.txt, cloud 3b.txt, cloud3c.txt, cloud4.txt, cloud5.txt, clouds.txt. It is also available compressed with ZIP in /love-hounds/kb/cloudbusting/zip as filenames,,, A third, in-progress book, also by Ron Hill, will be "Deeper Understanding - A collection of Kate Bush articles" which will compile the "best of" the Love-Hounds as well as a few articles from fan magazines and lots of published reviews. It'll be about five megs in size. If you don't have FTP (file transfer ability) you can still get the files by using an FTP mail server run by DEC. You send it a list of commands and then it sends you the files as regular mail messages, so anyone who has the ability to send and receive private mail can use this. If a file is larger then 60k it will be send as more then one message. If you want to GET binary files (GIF picture files, Wordperfect files, or anything that's not straight text) it will send you the files in a special text format called UUENCODED, you will need a program called UUDECODE for your computer to decode these. Note that this is not always the most relible way of getting files, ie you may have to do it several times. To start off using this, send a message to, the first message should read simply HELP - don't bother with a subject line as these are ignored. You will be sent back the basic commands and some examples, read this carefully (as much as you are able to understand). Here are some specific examples for accessing the love-hounds archives, don't type the parts in brackets []. Note that when typing in file names, upper and lower case are important! -> Connect to the archives and get a directory of some of the main areas. reply [your address] [this may or may not be needed on all messages for your system] connect ftp.UU.NET [connect to the file archives] chdir usenet/ [change to the main area, only one CHDIR per session] dir [get directory of main area] dir garden [get directory of GARDEN files] dir cloudbusting [dir directory of Cloudbusting directories] dir pix [get dir of pix directories] quit -> Connect to the Cloudbusting section and get some text files reply [your address] connect ftp.UU.NET chdir usenet/ [change to Cloudbusting subdirectory] get cloud1a.txt [GET a file] get cloud1b.txt [GET another file, can GET only 10 at once] get cloud1c.txt quit -> Connect to the GARDEN section and get some GARDEN files reply [your address] connect ftp.UU.NET chdir usenet/ [change to garden subdirectory] get GARDEN01 [GET first GARDEN file] get GARDEN02 [GET another file, can GET only 10 at once] quit -> Connect to pix.hill and get love-hounds picture reply [your address] connect ftp.UU.NET chdir usenet/ uuencode [specify UUENCODE format] binary [specify BINARY format] get LOVENAME.GIF quit For those without FTP capabilities or the patience to figure all this out, Richard Caldwell's Big Sky BBS offers the GIFs and many of the other files too. =================================================================== "She really IS! No, really, she IS!" =================================================================== What the world or Kate doesn't need is any more "casual Kate Bush fans." What the world and Kate need is more FUCKING KATE BUSH MANIACS.- IED =================================================================== "Any day now." - The Kate Bush fan mantra. =================================================================== "I think you're all completely mad, and thank you very much." - Kate Bush to her fans. ==================================================================== --- (ronald hill) NetRunner's Paradise BBS, San Diego CA