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11 year old Kateicle found

From: Ulrich Grepel <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 12:08:18 +0100
Subject: 11 year old Kateicle found
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

Hi all, and especially Ron, our interview/review etc. collector:

A friend of mine has found an old article  about Kate in an old issue of the
German teenie magazine 'Bravo'. I cannot say in which issue of that ugly rag 
the article was in, but there is a crossword puzzle  on the backside  of the
                          pages  that                       has a deadline 
                          of   August                     3rd, 1981,  so 
                          this  thing                   probably    is
                          from   July                 '81. They per-
                          fectly show               that they have
                          absolutely              no idea  about
                          Kate.    At           least     they
                          seem     to         like    her...
                          But can YOU       tell     after
                          reading the     article   what
                          to   expect  from her music?
                          I  surely  can't.  I  will
                          give  both,  the  German
                          original  &  my    English
                          translation    that   surely
                          has  a  lot      of errors due
                          to being  a        non    native
                          speaker  of          English.   My
                          comments in            []s.  BTW, in
                          addition to              the  photos & 
                          the article                there is  a 2
                          page poster                  of KT  in the
                          green  leo-                    tard with the
                          pink   belt                      around Kate's
                          waist. It's                        the  same pic
                          that we all                          can  find  on
                          the Lioness                            at Heart box.

[the following is - of course - reprinted without kind or whatever permission]

                            Kate Bush

           She presents her songs in matching costumes:

             In her songs she gets down to hot themes

[There are a lot of captions and a lot of pictures. I'll describe the
picture, followed by the corresponding captions]

[Kate in the James And The Cold Gun costume, holding the rifle]:
In "Army Dreamers" Kate curses in combat uniform and with a rifle
against nuclear war. [how do you mix up three songs in one sentence?]

[Kate in a pink re-colored trouser-dress, exactly the one of the September '80
'rock pop'-performance of Babooshka, holding a huge double bass]:
Kate thought up this gag for her stage performance: At "Hammer Horror" [??!] 
she climbs out of a huge double bass

[Kate waving goodbye at the end of the Hammersmith performance of Wuthering
With deathly pale makeup [wasn't that an effect of the lightshow?], a skirt 
wrapped around the slender waist, Kate pleads for her lover to follow her
into the beyond in "Wuthering Heights". [Wasn't that the other way round? 
Of course Cathy wanted to join Heathcliff, but on the living side of the
final frontier?]

[Kate in the dress that was used in the Wow performance at the Hammersmith 
In a playful, smoked [what's that?] suit, she presents herself completely
tender with "A Man with the Child in his Eyes" [should I say anything?]

[Kate in the Mrs. Mopp costume]:
For her "Rock-pop" performance Kate recently [almost a year ago!] showed up
in a cleaner-look [at least they seem to look at their pictures and at least
they know WHEN they were used, but what song was presented as Mrs. Mopp?]

[Kate in the famous Babooshka video costume]:
As seductive "Babooshka" and with unjustified suspicions Kate drives her 
husband to his death [Now they manage a matching pair of picture and song,
but have they just begun thinking about "The Wedding List" before finishing
their sentence?]

The slip is super-tight, the thin, striped and flowing shirt shows more than it 
conceals. The naked legs stick in studded boots [where are the rivets? I can't
find 'em on the boots]. But the pugnacious amazon doesn't only look dangerous: 
With unjustified displays of jealousy she hunts her innocent husband into the 
grave, just for having a good cry afterwards as a black-dressed widow and to 
rail against her fate. [I think I just stop with my comments. Just for the ones 
who don't know woof yet: this is "all mixed up" (BTW: "all mixed up" is a TV 
show on the British TV station "Superchannel" where I have seen a lot of 
interesting videos!)]

Disguised that way as "Babooshka", Kate exhausts all of her acting and dancing
repertoire. On her new [this is an '81 article! Oh, I wanted to shut up...]
album "Never for ever" [their lower case Ever - aahh! not again!] the 22 year
old English lady gets down on politically hot themes. In "Army Dreamers"
she warns about nuclear weapons and a threatening war, she mistrusts the
"Iron Maiden" from England [That's "Eiserne Lady" in German. How do the Brits 
call their long running female prime minister?] as well as the President of 
America. [No, I won't say anything more...]

Privately Kate - born on July 30, 1958 in Kent - also doesn't trust too many 
people. She likes to take everything in her own hands. The trained dancer and
discovery of Pink-Floyd-guitarist David Gilmour played the piano perfectly
at the age of six [now they even mix her up with Tori, and that in 1981!],
writes her own songs since the age of 12. Today Kate thinks of her stage
effects all alone and has her nine headed band completely under control.
The delicate Kate spares no efforts to arrange her show as perfect as possible.

To be fit as a dancer, she takes courses from the English choreographer Anthony 
von [they even use the German form 'von' of the Dutch 'van'!] Laast. Only her
two older brothers are allowed to botch into her business once in a while.
Brother Paddy [going to the cloister now?] plays in her band and sometimes
has something to say in musical terms. Brother Carder, called Jay, on whom
Kate is especially attached, manages all her publicity and business affairs.
He also keeps off all photographers and takes all [all? most!] of the photos
of his sister for album covers and press releases by himself.

If Kate has griefs, she flees to her parents Hannah and John Bush, who 
are still running a country doctor's practice. In north London Kate shares
a house with her two brothers and two cats. [Hi Pyewacket, Zoodle, Rocket...]

Though having this familiar security Kate doesn't know at the moment how she
should continue. Film and TV offerings start to pile up, but she can't decide
if she should work out another stage show, record her next LP or begin a career
in dance and acting [was the last one ever an option??]. But one thing is sure:
everything that Kate gets down to is, as the title of her LP says, "Never for
                                                                  Margit Rietti
[now for the German original]:

                        Kate Bush

      Sie stellt ihre Lieder in passender Verkleidung dar

          In ihren Songs packt sie heisse Themen an

[James and the Cold Gun Bild]:
In "Army Dreamers" wettert Kate im Kampfanzug und mit Gewehr gegen den 

[Rock Pop's Babooshka-Bild (pink umgefaerbtes, rotes Kleid und Bass]:
Diesen Gag dachte sich Kate fuer ihre Buehnenshow aus: Bei "Hammer Horror"
steigt sie aus einem riesigen Bass

[Kate beim Abschiedswinken in "Wuthering Heights" vom Hammersmith-Video]:
Leichenblass geschminkt, einen Rock um die schmale Taille gewickelt, fleht
Kate in "Wuthering Heights" ihren Geliebten an, ihr ins Jenseits zu folgen

[Kate im "Wow"-Kleid]:
Im verspielten gesmokten Anzug praesentiert sie sich ganz zaertlich bei "A Man
with the Child in his Eyes"

[Kate im Putzfrauen-Kleid]:
Zu ihrem "Rock-pop"-Auftritt erschien Kate vor kurzem im Putzfrauen-Look

[Kate im "Babooshka"-Video-Kostuem (Schwert und Pfauenfedern)]:
Als verfuehrerische "Babooshka" treibt Kate mit unberechtigten Verdaechtigungen
ihren Mann in den Tod

Der Slip ist superknapp, das duenne gestreifte Flatterhemd zeigt mehr als es
verdeckt. Die nackten Beine stecken in nietenbesetzten Stiefeln. Doch die 
streitbare Amazone sieht nicht nur gefaehrlich aus: Mit unbegruendeten 
Eifersuchts-Szenen verfolgt sie ihren unschulgdigen Ehemann bis ins Grab, um 
sich anschliessend als schwarzverkleidete Witwe auszuweinen und mit ihrem 
Schicksal zu hadern.

So verkleided als "Babooshka", schoepft Kate Bush ihr schauspielerisches und 
taenzerisches Repertoire voll aus. Auf ihrer neuen LP "Never for ever" (Nicht 
fuer immer) packt die 22jaehrige Englaenderin auch politische heisse Themen an. 
In "Army Dreamers" warnt sie vor Nuklear-Waffen und einem drohenden Krieg, 
misstraut der "Eisernen Lady" von England ebenso wie dem amerikanischen 

Auch privat vertraut Kate - am 30. Juli 1958 in der Grafschaft Kent geboren - 
kaum jemandem. Am liebsten nimmt sie alles selbst in die Hand. Die ausgebildete 
Taenzerin und Entdeckung von Pink-Floyd-Gitarrist David Gilmour spielte schon 
mit sechs perfekt Klavier, schreibt seit ihrem 12. Lebensjahr eigene Songs. 
Heute denkt sich Kate auch ihre Buehneneffekte und Kostueme allein aus und hat 
ihre neunkoepfige Band fest im Griff.

Die zierliche Kate scheut keine Muehe, ihre Show so perfekt wie moeglich zu 
gestalten. Um auch taenzerisch in Form zu sein, nimmt sie Unterricht bei dem 
englischen Choreographen Anthony von Laast. Nur ihre zwei aelteren Brueder 
duerfen Kate ab und zu inds Geschaeft reinpfuschen. Bruder Paddy spielt in 
ihrer Band mit und hat auch musikalisch ein Woertchen mitzureden. Bruder 
Carder, genannt Jay, an dem Kate besonders haengt, betreut ihre gesamte[n] 
Publicity und Geschaeftsangelegenheiten. Er haelt ihr auch alle Fotografen vom 
Leib und schiesst saemtliche Fotos fuer Platten-Cover und Pressematerial von 
seiner Schwester selbst.

Wenn Kate Kummer hat, fluechtet sie sich zu ihren Eltern Hannah und John Bush, 
die nach wie vor in Kent eine Landarztpraxis betreiben. In Nordlondon teilt 
Kate ein Haus mit ihren beiden Bruedern und zwei Katzen.

Trotz dieser familiaeren Geborgenheit weiss Kate im Moment nicht, wie es bei 
ihr weitergehen soll. Film und TV-Angebote beginnen sich zu haeufen, doch sie 
kann sich nicht entscheiden, ob sie wieder eine neue Buehnenshow ausarbeiten, 
dienaechste LP aufnehmen oder eine Schauspiel- und Tanzkarriere einschlagen 
soll. Doch eins ist sicher: Alles, was Kate anpackt ist, wie der Titel ihrer LP 
schon sagt "Nicht fuer immer".
                                                                  Margit Rietti