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re: how Kate discovered me

From: Richard Moynes <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1992 12:59:43 EST
Subject: re: how Kate discovered me
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

Thanks to Andrea for suggesting this thread.  I've only been here for a short 
while so I guess I missed the last round of "How you discovered Kate".
  This one's for Stev0 who was disappointed that nobody had discovered Kate
through The Dreaming.
  It all started many years ago.  My brother was managing a record store about
the time that TKI came out.  I remember him going on about Kate, but when I
found out how young and attractive she was (is!), I immediately dismissed his 
enthusiasm as an outward manifestation of his lustful thoughts.  Then Lionheart
came out and one look at the cover photo convinced me that I had been right
about his interest.  It never occured to me that maybe I should listen to her
because I was so sure that I was right (hey, I was a teenager so I already knew
  Now we jump ahead to 82/83 and my first year at university.  My friend Asghar
Jafri (if you're out there in, drop me a line) used to find the most
amazing records for 25 cents at flea markets and garage sales (he also 
introduced me to Lou Reed & the Velvet Underground).  Well when his student 
loan finally came in that year, he came home one day with an armload of records
he'd bought in a real record store and paid full price for.  Among them was The
Dreaming.  We took Kate's advice and played it loud (well, as loud as the mono
1.5 watt amp he'd built would allow) and boy was I shocked.  I guess I'd been 
expecting your typical dance queen pop music or something because in those days
I didn't think that anyone who looked that good would be capable of making
serious music.  It didn't take long for me to get hooked.  My cravings became
stronger and more frequent until I had to buy my own copy.  If I didn't get a
chance to hear Night of the Swallow first thing in the morning, I'd rush home
at lunch and put it on.  And that's how I became a Kate fan.  From there my
story matches up fairly well with the rest of you: I bought the rest of her 
albums and began anticipating her next release, which as you all know is a
never-ending process.  My favourite Kate album?  It's always the one I've 
listened to most recently.

Richard Moynes  (who's .sig seems to work only occasionally)