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Angels on Earth

From: (This is F.U.N.)
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1992 15:28:00 GMT
Subject: Angels on Earth
News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41
Organization: University at Buffalo

I just picked up "Angels on Earth" yesterday. I have a couple questions 
about it. "Them Heavy People" and "Here Comes the Flood" have different
intros.  I was wondering if they appear anywhere else.

"As your Mr.Spock said, The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few."
"A truism, like most of Spock's Epigrams. But on occasion, I'm afraid, cold
comfort." Jillian and James T. Kirk - "Star Trek - Debt of Honour"
Jef Kolodziej                                                   The KaTeFan(tm)           State University of New York at Buffalo
History Major                                                  51 East NorthRup
(716) 837-9610                                                Buffalo, NY 14214