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From: woj <REWOICC%ERENJ.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 92 22:29:33 EDT
Subject: outback
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

ron hill mentioned seeing outback at a street party. they've got two
releases on hanniball records that are worth picking up if you like the
idea of a didgeridu being worked into musical contexts other than the
basic aborigine style. the first ablum is called _baka_ and is a little
less experimental, being primarily instrumental duets of acoustic gui-
tar and didge. it's still quite a bit different than most "folkie" rec-
ords though. the second release is _dancing the devil away_ wherein the
duo becomes the band that ron saw perform and they branch into differing
world musics to which the didge is added.

there is also a rumored 12" that features a hip hop remix of one of the
tracks on _baka_. the last i heard was that it was supposed to be released
sometime in 1991, but i never saw it (despite the fact that the provider
of that inormation was the didge player himself).

thanks for mentioning that they are playing live out and around the states.
i shall have to keep an eye out for them.
