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Re: Kate spotting (Utah Saints)

From: Bennett <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1992 02:06:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Kate spotting (Utah Saints)
To: <love-hounds@wiretap.Spies.COM>
Organization: Disorganization
References: <> <1992Aug05.173307.12850@sco.COM>
Sender: bennett mcelwee <>

jondr@sco.COM (Karen Silkwood's car) writes:

> (Chris n Vickie) writes:
>>  Two saving graces:
>>   1: They _did_ ask.

>Given the rash of lawsuits concerning techno tracks that obviously rip off
>other tracks, I'm not surprised.  (ref: apotheosis "o fortuna" and smart-e's
>"sesame's treet" and probably a dozen others).

The "Sesame's Treet" lawsuit was not about the music, for which permission
was given, but about the cover of the record, which featured Oscar the Grouch
smoking a joint or something equally shocking... of course, the track itself
_is_, in fact, crap.

>Besides, wasn't Kate reported to have actually liked their track?

I thought so.  Or did her record company (or whoever owns the song (doesn't
she?)) not ask her?  Or was she prepared to compromise her artistic integrity
for money?  Wait, I didn't say that...Seriously, who does own Kate's songs?

As for whether the Utah Saints track (which I won't call a _song_ so as not
to offend anyone) is any good or not, I always apply the Duke Ellington
criterion when purchasing music: "If it sounds good, it _is_ good."  And it
sounds good to me.

== Bennett ================================== ==
|               Vodka.  Buy it for you.                                     |
|                       Buy it for your dog.                                |