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Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1992 17:38 EST
Subject: Tori "review" pt 1
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
My friend Chad who went to the Tori show with me (the same one who's trying to get signed on here) posted this review on another list that he's on and asked me to post it here. (My comments will follow) Here goes: Well, Kevin and I went to the Tori Amos concert on Friday in Columbus, OH. The opening act was E. I'm not very familiar with him (I'd heard *one* of his songs before...), but he was good. He had two guys on stage with him (Parthenon Huxley and another guy who looked kinda like Warren Zevon but wasn't...) and they played for a relatively short amount of time. It was good and he did do the song I'd heard which was cool as well as expected. He also at one point said that they'd stopped broadcasting on the radio and proceeded to say "fuck" which was great and would've been even better if they *hadn't* stopped broadcasting (anyone know if they did/didn't????). Tori Amos came out to the applause of everyone wearing what looked like a swimsuit (does anyone else agree that went????) and jeans. She had a real piano (Yeah!!!!) and this is the play list: Little Earthquakes Crucify Silent All These Years Precious Things Happy Phantom Leather Whole Lotta Love Me and a Gun Winter ------ Smells Like Teen Spirit Mother ------ Tear in Your Hand Angie After Crucify / before Silent All These Years, she told us that she hated her grandmother and that in her home town, they wouldn't play Silent All These Years because it was "shit" (Can you believe Tori actually said that???? :). She had to interrupt Happy Phantom because there was *way* too much noise, including knocking down beer bottles and "woo"-ing at inappropriate times. During Me and a Gun, I heard two beer bottles being knocked over and Kevin heard three... In other words, Tori was great, but parts of the audience sucked hard and Tori was NOT happy with it, neither was I or anyone I else I know that was there... Anyway, like I said Tori was excellent and I'm glad I finally got to see her live... Oh yeah, almost forgot the best part... We got to meet her!!!! Yeah!!!! :). We went to Camelot before the show and were five people back when they cut the line... *sniff*, but we stayed after the show and met her then!!!! Yeah again!!!! :). I got her autograph on the cover of the Little Earthquakes disc and I'm so happy... Can't you tell???? :). Well, I think that's it. Kevin, if you have anything to add... :). BTW, there were flyers there that have information on the official Tori Amos Fan Club. If you send them in (I assume that handwritten ones are accepted...) before Oct. 1, 1992, you are entered into a drawing in which you can win a complete Tori Amos catalog (including imports!!!!) and a framed autographed poster. The info it asks for follows: Name Birthdate Address City, State, Zip Phone Do You Own Tori Music? (Little Earthquakes, Crucify EP, Other) How Did You Hear About Tori? (Radio (which station?), Press (which publication?),MTV/VH-1, Friend, Other) What Is Your Favorite Tori Song? What Radio Station Do You Listen To? Who Are Your Favorite Artists? Where Do You Buy Your Records? Send in yours now!!!! :) I am... Whatever Chad Walker aka Lobo FLWALKR@INDSVAX1.INDSTATE.EDU "So you can make me cum that doesn't make you Jesus..."