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Burning Bridges

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1992 11:08:59 -0700
Subject: Burning Bridges


Vickie reports:

>She also said that someone else designed the cover, so it's still 
>possible that the person who did, did it on purpose. Plus, we don't
>know if that unknown person is American or not.

Oh- I wasn't aware of that.  It's not settled in my mind either, but I am
convinced it wasn't Tori's idea!

>>Thank you SO much, Val.  Guess what song was on the player as I read that???
>>Guess how much iced tea I snarfed all over my keyboard???  Guess what song is
>>now ruined for me forever???

>I'd hate it if this happened to me (the ruined song part, though ice tea 
>in the keyboard is pretty horrific too...)
>Thank goodness I've never seen or heard this Pat person in action. Another
>good reason to stay as far away as possible from Saturday Night Live.

Well, the keyboard wasn't damaged. And to tell you the truth it wouldn't take
much to ruin "Burning Bridge" for me, as it's always been one of my least
favorite Katesongs.  Now, it would take something major to turn me off things
like "Under the Ivy" and "Ne T'En Fui Pas", like listening to it while involved
in a natural disaster or something.  (Although was friend of mine was listening
to "Rocket's Tail" on headphones when she was hit by a car, and she still likes
the song and the album, so who knows?)
  |Meredith A. Tarr        		"Feel the yearning for peace and|
  |              happiness..."     -Happy Rhodes|