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Kate Bush - the First Twelve Years

From: Scott Telford <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1992 05:42:02 -0700
Subject: Kate Bush - the First Twelve Years
Distribution: world
Organization: Edinburgh University Home for Deranged Kate Bush Fans.

I think I mentioned this a few weeks ago. It's a limited-edition
(either 200 or 2000, can't remember which) publication (by the Never
Forever fanzine folks) in the shape of two A4 photocopied volumes
(each about 80 pages, it says - I haven't checked) and is basically a
scrapbook of UK magazine and newspaper articles/interviews/reviews
(plus one that looks like Dutch) in roughly chronological order, plus
the Peter Swales interview and the story of Jamie Amos's Ninth Hound
painting. Unfortunately, it's not possible to tell which magazine some
of the articles are from and the photos don't reproduce well, but it's
an interesting read. 

A lot of the reviews of TKI and Lh seem to be fairly negative
("nails-on-a-blackboard" voice", "more like 1968 than 1978" etc.) but
by the time HoL was released the reviewers were resorting to
Anglo-Saxon expletives (eg. "Kate Bush is a f**king genius") to convey
their impressions and using words like "subversive" and "threatening",
which seem to be complementary if they come from music journalists 8^).

There's also at least one hilarious account of the HoL launch at
the London Laserium ("Del Palmer was wearing some of his hair in a
plait, but most of it in his sideburns").

Probably the best indictment of the British gutter press is an article
about Al Murphy's funeral. There's a photo of KaTe looking rather
distressed, with Del by her side. The caption reads "Kate being
comforted by her brother Johnny". Aaarrggghhh....

Scott Telford, Dept of Computer Science, / "What the world doesn't need is
University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Rd,    / more 'casual Kate Bush fans'. What
Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK.                  / the world needs more of is
electric mail:        / FUCKING KATE BUSH MANIACS" - IED,1989