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From: "Phong Co" <chryses%xurilka.UUCP@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1992 12:08:14 -0700
Subject: Levon
To: "Love-Hounds" <>
Organization: dada Indugu Inc.
Reply-To: "Phong Co" <chryses%xurilka.UUCP@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>

WARNING: this post contains absolutely no Kate content.  But since
you guys seem to know everything else, try this:

I've been listening to "Two Rooms" quite a bit lately.  Most of the
pieces are impressive, although I usually prefer Elton's version.

My question is, what is Levon about?  Is it some well-known (possibly
fictional) character?  Who's Alvin Tostig?  It sounds like something
dealing with WWI, but I have no clues.

Phong T. Co		Montreal, CANADA		chryses@xurilka.UUCP

		I am the Lizard King.
		I can do
				-- Jim Morrison