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Tori in UK

Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 05:54:49 -0700
Subject: Tori in UK

Geoff Parks writes;

>Tori played a gig here in Cambridge last night and it was absolutely
>stunning. Just her and a piano - no backing band. She played just about
>everything off Little Earthquakes, the 3 covers off the limited edition
>Winter CD single and a couple of other non-album tracks. The total running
>time was about 90 minutes, including 5 encores. She really lived every
>song - the power and emotion were incredible. Do not pass up the opportunity
>to see her.

"Time Out" has a half page advertisment for Tori's Limited Edition Digipak
CD and underneath are some U.K. tour dates from the 1st to 11th of April.
Sorry I didn't notice this sooner, but the two remaining dates tour are;

April 10th Manchester Free Trade Hall
April 11th Birmingham Town Hall

I hope this item isn't posted too late for these dates to be of any use!

Unfortunately I couldn't go to the show at the London Royalty Theatre on the
2nd and 3rd of April because I had to go home to Wales to visit my father in
hospital. But for those of you who are lucky enough to live in the right
place there is still a chance for you to see her in concert. I just hope she
tours the U.K. again.

Alan James

Alan James <> Physics, Imperial College, London. SW7 2BZ.

                   " Turn on... Tune in... CHEESE out ! "