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Words in her mouth :}

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 17:22:27 -0800
Subject: Words in her mouth :}


I guess I projected the wrong impression with my use of Vickie as a whimsical
example of resistance to my equally whimsical account of the real reson for
the popularity of Tori Amos.  I know Vickie really does like the album, I
guess I just should have said some days she likes it more than others.  Or
maybe not.

I think I'll just go to bed now, before I get myself into even more trouble.
  |Meredith Tarr                      "Get to the point you sappy wimps|
  |Wesleyan University                 I haven't got a lifetime        |
  |Middletown, CT                      Simplicity is beauty            |
  |USA, Earth                          Are there poets less sublime?"  |
  |                            -Happy Rhodes   |