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HoL and Lawnmower Man

From: SmokedmyEyelids <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1992 03:58:19 -0800
Subject: HoL and Lawnmower Man

HoL: I recently discovered that all these years, (a few), I had been
listening to a cut-off, 5/7 version of the Ninth Wave,
the um 45/7ths wave, missing the last two on my taped copy.  I heard
these two in a nice college radio production studio.. I've got to get
that whole album, it's a travesty to listen to a fragmentary 9th wave..
re: lawnmower man: I saw that movie tonight,  and while it was thought-
provoking, the "movie" "hollywood" aspects of it were kind of bad.
Why am i telling you this?  Because one of my main reasons for wanting
to see it is my constant feeling that the net is sort of a virtual reality.
If I FTP to Sweden, am I "travelling" there?  Or how about people who
play a MUD to such an extent that it becomes a second reality for them
and they take it very seriously.  And over the newsgroups,email, etc,
merit is based on your way with words and your thinking/arguing rather
than looks, sex, nationality, to some extent.  And its the possibility
of computer-related things having an emotional impact on you that makes
MUDs and the like compelling, possibly even preferable to the "real world" in "Deeper Understanding", if you feel the need for a tie to kate..

oh well, i rant about the social aspects of the net way more than i should..