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Aspects of the Sensual World...

From: JED <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1992 10:49:20 -0800
Subject: Aspects of the Sensual World...
Organization: Rohm and Haas Company

I just picked up the single Aspects of the Sensual World.  I don't ever
remember reading anything about this here, I'm sure because I wasn't here
when it came out.  But, does anybody out there have anything to say about
this CD single?  There is a song taken from the film Castaways, and a song
taken from 'the comic strip G.L.C.'.  Has anybody seen either of these?
If so, can you give me a little info about the film/comic strip?  Were they
worth watching?  Are they available in the states at your local video store?

Well, any comments from anybody would help make the day go faster :-)

Joe Doheny