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Re: Live at Hammersmith

From: caen!bsbbs! (N. Richard Caldwell)
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1992 13:15:58 -0800
Subject: Re: Live at Hammersmith
Organization: The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)

I set this aside to answer later and misplaced it.  Better late than
never, I guess. (Tim Devine) writes:

> I may be crazy, but I thought I saw someone posting information that they
> bought a Japanese laserdisk of the above performance.  

You may or may not be crazy but you probably read my remarks
about the Japanese import Laser Disc of _Live at Hammersmith
Odeon_.  It should be available through just about any LD
retailer or mailorder outlet that will order Japanese imports.

Your best bet, however, might be to contact Tom Richards at
C-Side records who specializes in Kate goods.  His last flyer
listed both Japanese imports of _Live at Hammersmith Odeon_ and 
_The Whole Story_ at $59.99 each.  That's just about right for a
Japanese import.  Tom claims that the Japanese TWS disc is "better 
than the US version".  I'm a bit skeptical on that point but
there is certainly room for improvement on the US version.  The
US LD shows the same flaws in source material as the US VHS tape
and may have been made from the same master.  A direct digital
transfer from film sources for the videos that were shot on film
is probably asking too much for a music video.

> My parents got a LD player for Christmas, and I have the
> Whole Story but I'm also looking for other Kate Bush performances/videos on
> LD. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Another LD that should still be widely available is an 8" disc of
three videos from _The Sensual World_ and interview material.
Get this while you can since I suspect that it will become
difficult to get once it goes out of print.   Someone mentioned
that it may be in cutout bins now.  

There have been two other Kate Bush LD releases, both of which
are now nearly unobtainable.  _The Single File_ video collection
was once available on LD as a Japanese import but seems to be out
of print and unavailable.  Even Tom Richards has this on his list
of "wants".  

Perhaps the most rare Kate LD release is _Hair of the Hound_, a
collection of videos from _Hounds of Love_.  There doesn't seem
to be much interest in this video these days since all of this
material was released in TWS collection, but I'd certainly
love to find a copy.  It is the only Kate LD released in CAV 
format and I'd be interested to see if its sources are any better
than those used for TWS.

You can contact C-Side records at (813) 461-4327,  PO 8456,
Clearwater, Florida 34618.  

                "There's more to life than sex, terrorism and voodoo."
                  -- Warren Zevon 

"Don't drive too slowly."         Richard Caldwell
                                  The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)