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RocKeT Man & Kandle In The Wind, but no KaTe

From: mailrus!gatech!mit-eddie!! (Craig M. Kanarick)
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1991 15:24:48 -0800
Subject: RocKeT Man & Kandle In The Wind, but no KaTe
To: <love-hounds@WIRETAP.SPIES.COM>
Organization: The Visible Language Workshop
Sender: mailrus!gatech!mit-eddie!! (USENET News System)

For Those of you ThaT haven'T already read abouT iT, There will be
a "Two Rooms" special on ABC-TV here in The US, This SaTurday nighT
aT 9 PM, EasTern Time.  

Performance of "RocKeT Man", "Candle in The Wind", as well as Two
oTher songs will be shown, buT performed by ElTon John.  As far
as The "Two Rooms" covers, we *will* see Sinead, The Beach Boys,
ClapTon, Phil Collins, The Who, and STing.

JusT ThoughT you;d liKe To Know.

-- cmK
Craig M. Kanarick			"Do I love you?  Yes I love you.
					 All this talking...talking...	 is only bravado..."