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Wendy MaHarry (etc.)

From: (Chris n Vickie)
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1991 20:34:00 -0800
Subject: Wendy MaHarry (etc.)
To: clout!!love-hounds

In article <> (Saurav Misra) writes:
>Hi folks! (Ducks nearly extinguished flaming torch). I was listening
>to a CD in a neighbourhood record store which sounded quite fetching,
>and upon asking the friendly employee-type was informed that it was
>by a Wendy Mahary. The first couple o'songs sounded almost like the 
>Sundays' vocalist (Harriet Wheeler?) but then the CD started going
>every which way, into country, torch songs etc. Anybody have any info?

All I know too is that she is from California and has two albums. I have
(and love) the first, and I'm waiting to get the second. A few weeks ago
there was a phone number in Billboard taht you could call and request a
free copy. I called, but haven't received it yet. btw, thanks ES for the
number. The second, the one you heard, is supposed to be more lush and
richer than the first. Since I think the first is very quirky and wonderful,
I'm waiting with baited breath to get the second.

The first is self-titled, Wendy MaHarry, and it's on A & M Records (CD 5283)
It's somewhat uneven, but I like it enough to recommend it. btw, she also
painted the cover of the first album.

Craig isn't the only one who has a hard time describing her. It's not the
hour Craig, it's the artist and the music.


sp, 0evetS, ssip ffo