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Rocket Dude

From: Desi The Three-Armed Wonder Comic <jondr@sco.COM>
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1991 16:29:53 -0800
Subject: Rocket Dude

Hi Gaffans.  I was on vacation for the past week so I've missed out on most
of the lovely flame wars y'all been having without me.  Naughty naughty.
I'll be throwing some kerosene on the embers as soon as I've caught up with
the 8 billion messages awaiting my important attention.

I will fill in for the nonce by saying that while in Boston, everybody's
favorite love hound and ex humble pseudo moderator |>oug /\lan played
"Rocket Man" for me.  (That's right, I'd never heard it until then.)  Well,
my impression is: what's the big deal?

Kate has the power to create epics and masterpieces as well as just plain
fun tracks.  This was none of the above.  It was not SPECIAL in any way.
The most special thing about it was precisely how un-special it actually
was.  Now, I know some of you are reaching for the 'f' key at this very
moment, but back off.  I'm not saying it's bad, or it sucks, or it deserves
to be buried at a crossroads at midnight, because it isn't and it doesn't.
It's just so... unremarkable.

Oh well, I'll still be buying the RM/CitW single if and when it pokes its
ugly head into the local shops.  That's just the kind of guy I am.

Incidentally, I recommend that everyone interested in psychological and
physical pressure go see the movie CAPE FEAR right this very minute.  DeNiro
is a god.  Scorcese is a god.  Pay your $6.75 and worship them.

Jon Drukman (finely honed machine)              uunet!sco!jondr
With hungered flesh obscurely, he mutely craved to adore.