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Did Kate sign a bum contract with CBS?

From: (Ed Suranyi)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1991 10:25:48 -0700
Subject: Did Kate sign a bum contract with CBS?

I meant to post this quite a while ago, but first there was the love-hounds
outage, then my trip to Montreal.

Jeff Medkeff of AATHP emailed me the following item.  I got permission
from him to post it here:

> Remember the conference call that was supposed
>to go down last month? Well it finally happened, and it lasted all of
>five minutes and consisted of Novercia telling Sony that the album
>wasn't finished and they weren't going to say when it would be, and
>Sony telling them that if an album didn't appear by the deadline they
>would penalize them (as near as I can figure the deadline is October 16

Is that outrageous, or what?
