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My DID's (Sorry, just couldn't resist)

From: (Brian Bloom)
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1991 08:42:45 -0800
Subject: My DID's (Sorry, just couldn't resist)
Organization: National Instruments, Austin, TX
Sender: (Br!an Bloom)

so here are my till-death-do-us-part DIDs:

(In absolutely NO particular order)

1.  Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon
                   Obligatory.  Gotta remember to take some
                   incense with me to this deserted island!
2.  Kate Bush  - The Sensual World
                   It's the album that got me hooked.  Sultry
                   and moody.  Gotta have it.
3.  The Cure   - Disintegration
                   Sultry and moody.  Gotta have it.  8^)
4.  New Order  - Substance
                   I've been listening to this for years and
                   STILL don't know the songs by name.  If I'm
                   gonna be stranded on an island, I promise
                   I'll try to learn the titles!
5.  Steve Parsons - Sunrise
                   No one's ever heard of this.  Found it in a
                   cutout bin for $3.99 and fell in love.  Great
                   spacey new age!
6.  Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll
                   Carolyn's fingers.  'Nuff said.
7.  Just Say <Yes, Yo, Mao, Da>
                   Pick one.  They're all great.  Need at least one
                   for variety. (And Danielle Dax)
8.  Enya       - Enya
                   tough choice between this and Watermark but this wins
                   by a whisker.
9.  Peter Gabriel - Shakin the Tree
                   tough choice between this and So (Though there isn't
                   that much difference 8^))  But have to have Solsbury
                   Hill and Games Without Frontiers (bonus KaTe!)
10. The Sundays - reading, writing, and arithmetic.
                   I have a tape of this b/w Blue Bell Knoll that wins the
                   record for number of consecutive plays.

And the Runner Ups:
The Cure - Mixed Up
Pink Floyd - The Wall, Wish You Were Here
Art Of Noise - Best Of
The Mute samplers - Tonal Evidence and International
Jesus Jones - Liquidizer
Twin Peaks - Soundtrack
Paul Simon - Hearts and Bones (gotta this on Disc, tape died!)
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Les Miserables - The London Cast
And Of course, KaTe Bush (esp. Hounds of Love)
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  \ \/ |_|     \ \_\ /_/\        \ \_\ /_/ /|_/ /     Br!an Bloom
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