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Quotes about John Hughes

From: (Ed Suranyi)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1991 16:33:24 -0800
Subject: Quotes about John Hughes

You all know that "This Woman's Work" first appeared on the
soundtrack to the John Hughes movie "She's Having A Baby".  Well,
I've just discovered some recent quotes by and about John Hughes.
Although Kate is never specifically mentioned, you might find these

First of all, here's Hughes himself on SHAB:  "I think it's the
best thing I've ever done.  The most honest and truthful.  It was
a story that I could tell over a number of years and narrate it.
It had the best soundtrack."

Here are two of Hughes' co-workers, Jacobson and Deutsch (I
don't have their first names):

Jacobson:  "I have always been impressed with his music taste, skills
and the interaction of film and music.  He has like 10,000 CDs and
plays music all the time.  He gets into phases and because he has
an encyclopedic memory, learns and remembers the music."

Deutsch:  "John is one of the few people I know who keeps completely
current and beyond with music.  Music for John is not just another
aspect of filmmaking or another job that he has to get completed.  It's
a hobby.  He loves to collect every album under the sun.  Music motivates
and inspires him."

Hughes Entertainment executive Gotch (again no first name available),
who served as muisc supervisor on several Hughes films, including
SHAB, says Hughes is "brilliant" when it comes to selecting music.
He says:  "I would offer him soundtrack suggestions, but it was all his
choices.  He has this uncanny ability to know what music is appropriate
for each scene.  He often listens to a certain type that would go with
a film when he's writing it.  From the very early stages on he has a 
very strong sense of it musically."