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Gabrielle Roth

Date: 5 June 1991 13:47:38 CDT
Subject: Gabrielle Roth

Ken mentioned Gabrielle Roth's _Oceana_.  So I thought I'd post some info
that I've posted previously on the 4AD list....becuz EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN

I guess I sort of feel about Roth the way Vickie feels about Happy: A fantastic
artist on a sssmmmaaallll label that noone knows about but that everyone
should know about so god I got to tell everyone about it until everyone's
overwhelmed with the pure genius of this woman like I am and everyone who _has_
heard her stuff and and...
.. Er, sorry, I got carried away a tad.  Anyhow, here's the info:

Date: 21 May 1991 14:06:58 CDT
Subject:  Roth

>Way back on the 5th of April, someone posted about Gabrielle Roth, and it would
> appear, liked she/he/it/them very much.  Are you still out there, whoever you
>were?  If not, anyone else care to enlighten me as to the nature of this music?
That would be me.
Here's some info I have sent directly to some others on this list...but
I might as well post it seeing as these requests keep trickling in.

Information re: Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors:

G.R. is a woman who describes her self as an "urban shaman".  I guess she
does workshops on movement and healing... anyone know anything about her?
As far as I can tell from the liner notes, she composes the music, but
does very little playing -- other musicians actually play the music...I guess
they'd be "the Mirrors" part (they "mirror" her intentions?...).

I've only heard her two CDs (see below for list), so I can't say
anything about her cassettes.  The 2 CDs are *very* percussion oriented.
Lots of drums, a mix of droning synths and/or voice.
If you like drumming that's intense but still can lull you into a
trance, this is for you.  There's a definite Native American influence, too.
I think I compared them to Dead Can Dance.  it's not that they sound
like DCD, only that people who like DCD seem to really like Roth as well.
I'd also compare her (sound-wise) to some of the more percussive parts
of Peter Gabriel's _Passion_...and other people have compared her to
Micky Harts solo drum stuff.  Very drum/percussion oriented.  Intense,
tho not cuz it's a wall-of-sound in-your-face drumming...more it's tribal
and ancient and spiritual and...oh hell, I can never describe music in
words.  Suffice it to say I Highly Recommend _Bones_.

Here's info regarding Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors (taken from the liner
notes of one of her CDs):

RITUAL $9.95 CASS / $14.95 CD
BONES $9.95 CASS / $14.95 CD     <====GREAT! imho

"Maps to ecstasy: Teachings of an urban shaman"  $9.95

"Teaching of an urban shaman"  $9.95 CASS (An interview with Michael Toms)

To order:  amount + $1.00 per item
           Raven Recording
           P.O. Box 2034
           Red Bank, NJ  07701

Have fun!  And tell 'em I sent you!...

David T.
Champaign IL

p.s. BTW _Oceana_ which Ken mentioned is a cut from the CD RITUAL.