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Chuckle from the radio

From: (Edward J. Suranyi)
Date: Wed, 29 May 91 20:49:37 PDT
Subject: Chuckle from the radio

Steve Masters of KITS has had this thing called the New Music Challenge
on his daily show for the last few months.  Every day, two new songs are
played, and listeners are encouraged to call in and vote for one song or
the other.  The winner of the challenge then competes the next night
against another new song.  If a song wins five nights in a row, it goes
into something like a hall of fame -- sort of like Jeopardy!  The 105th
caller always wins prizes.

Anyway, I was listening to the Challenge today, and the second song caught
my ear.  It had a female vocalist, and was generally very interesting.
No, I don't know the artist or title, because a while ago Steve found out
that a lot of people were voting based on their perceptions of the artist,
or how much they liked the artist in general, and not on how much they
liked the song.  So Steve decided not to say what the titles or artists
are until the results are given.

So after the second song finished, Steve said, "The second song won last
night, so let's see if it wins again.  Last night I mentioned that it
was produced by someone quite famous, and I asked if anybody could guess
who.  Nobody got it right."

Typically, Steve answers a few calls himself.  Here's one of them:

Woman on phone:  "I'd like to vote for the second song."

Steve:  "The second one?  Great!  Could you guess who the mystery producer

Woman:  "Is it Kate Bush?"

Steve:  "Geez, EVERYBODY guesses Kate Bush!  But it isn't.  I'll tell
you, it's a man."

Woman:  "Well, that rules out Kate!"
