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From: (Larry Spence)
Date: 15 Mar 91 23:44:51 GMT
Subject: Re: Walk through the Fire (Gabriel)
Keywords: Gabriel, Walk through the Fire
Organization: Computer Support Corporation. Dallas,Texas
References: <>
Reply-To: csccat!larry@uunet.UU.NET (Larry Spence)
In article <> (Eric Hicks) writes: > [asks about PG "Walk Through The Fire"] As someone has already mentioned, one version is on the otherwise-dreaded "Against All Odds" soundtrack. I wondered if the version on the soundtrack is the same as the version on the 12" single (sleeve has a photo of PG sitting down, big smile)? I seem to recall someone posting to that effect once. I've only heard the 12" version (it's great, as long as you make sure to grab the tonearm before it hits the Larry Carlton track that follows WTTF %). If you really like WTTF, check out the demo version on the easily-found "Games Without Words" bootleg (and copies thereof). There are no vocals, it sounds really eerie, and is generally a lot more spare sounding. The same boot has demo versions of "Milgram's 37," "Games Without Frontiers," and other tracks. Cheapo demo quality, but a must for the serious PG fan. If only there were Kate demos of this quality from the TD/HoL period... sigh. -- Larry Spence ...{uunet,texsun,,decwrl}!csccat!larry