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poster poster (get it?)

From: (Gregory Bossert)
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 91 15:42:30 -0500
Subject: poster poster (get it?)

I've got two, and you can't have either of them!  (a former and fondly
remembered group of mine was named "the dreaming", just because of
that poster...)  *However*, they are pretty easy to find around here
(Boston).  I'll check around, and let you know in a few days.  I post
this, lest someone else rush out and buy you a couple as well (though
I find that you can never have too many...)

BTW, many apologies for the mistaken post several days ago -- somehow a
private message ended up going not to my friend sid but to most of the
free world...  only explanation or excuse i can give is that giant mutant
space cabbage from the planet zardon did it while i wasn't looking...

-greg --