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long live the pseudo-moderator!

From: (Gregory Bossert)
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 91 16:57:48 -0500
Subject: long live the pseudo-moderator!

ah, such up and downs -- first, a post from |>oug, full of the concise and
pithy commentary required from a real pseudo-moderator:

> I'd rather eat the puke of 100 rhinoceroses than listen to 30 seconds of Asia.

and then, just two posts later, the other shoe falls.  into a ubiquitous
cubicle, yet.  in *waltham*.  *i* work in waltham.  (well, i sit in an 
office in waltham, anyway.)  it's all kind of uncanny.  not to mention
alaska!  anyway, many pseudo-thanks to |>oug, and a hearty pseudo-welcome
to |3ill...

re the survey results:  let me add my voice to previous posts and urge that
we *don't* all post our survey replies to love-hounds, ok?

Jeff Burka asks
> What is QSound?

Qsound is a technique/hardware system for enhancing a recording's 'mix' by
positioning objects in a 3D field.  basically, standard mixing techniques
ignore phase and delay data for the individual sound sources -- this same
data is used by the brain to infer the position of sound sources.  Qsound
either preserves or manufactures this info, creating a mix that sounds
more spacial, and often far clearer.  (since the brain does a better job
at seperating individual sonic elements.)  NOTE that i am speculating here --
last i knew the Qpeople were keeping the technical details of the system 
under their Qhats.  systems like this have been developed before with very
dubious results, but reviews for Q have been fairly uniformly positive so
far.  anyone out there have an pinion?

sorry, that's "opinion."  though people with feathers *are* welcome to

re rocket's tail -- the lyrics seem fairly straightforward to me.  sorry,
mike, but the bit about the cat lost me...  one thing that strikes me
about the song is the image of the odd image -- the narrator is remembering
back to an earlier (childhood?) incident that seemed silly at the time but
has now become powerfully important;  a concept reinforced for me by the
rock instrumentation which comes in and 'redefines' the folk vocals.  this
is one of those conceptually simple songs that unfolds into complex patterns
when you poke at it.  ace vocal solo, too.

rather randomly yours,
-greg --