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I *did* hook another one!

From: (Edward Suranyi)
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 90 12:32:53 PST
Subject: I *did* hook another one!

A couple of weeks ago I told you about my friend who was interested
in Kate, so I let him borrow all my albums.  Today he came back and
said that he liked them very much.  He didn't want to buy
all the albums to start with, though, so he said he'd buy _The
Whole Story_, "which has all my favorites."  I said that after
he got into that he might want to slowly add the other records.
He said it was quite likely.

It's great to proselytize successfully!

Ed Suranyi             | "I couldn't hope to do it anywhere near as well        |  as Kate Bush because she is a Goddess."
(415) 447-3405         |                 -- Sinead O'Connor