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Thank you !! (for KonvenTion reports)

From: (Vishal Markandey)
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 10:06:34 -0600
Subject: Thank you !! (for KonvenTion reports)

Ed Suranyi writes:

> America this time!"  Someone who I didn't know, who was standing near
> us and who had also just come from the convention, said, "I asked Del
> Palmer about that just now, and he said they definitely are planning to
> come to America, at least the major cities:  New York, Los Angeles, San
> Francisco . . ."

YES!!!!! Thank you Ed, thank you everyone for posting KonvenTion reports. 
Almost like being there. Boy oh boy, what a rush. WOOF!! Just when I was 
recovering from the box set (although I've been a Kate fan for about 
1.5 years, it was my first chance to hear her pre-TSW B-sides).

Would someone be willing to make an extra set of KonvenTion pictures for me ? 
<puppy look> Please ? Please, please, please !! Please ? I will pay ofcourse.

Arf! Arf!

- Vishal

PS: Lots of enthusiastic response when I read some Kate lyrics at my poetry
reading group recently.