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_Compact Disc Yearbook 1991_

From: (Edward Suranyi)
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 90 20:42:28 PDT
Subject: _Compact Disc Yearbook 1991_

I saw the new _Compact Disc Yearbook_, and there are a few interesting
items.  First of all, there's a critics' poll in which a whole bunch
of people list their favorite CDs of the last year.  The following
people mention Kate:

John Diliberto:  _TSW_ among the year's best CDs
		 "Deeper Understanding" among his favorite songs
Paul Robicheau:  "Reaching Out" among his favorite songs
Ken White:       _TSW_ among the year's best CDs

There's a reprint of the review of _TSW_ from the Feb. issue of 
_CD_ Review_, by Edward Murray.  Just to remind you, it was 
a very favorable review.  In fact, it was picked as the best
album of the month.
