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Re: Record Shopping in London

From: vecvax!ken@Sun.COM (Ken Stuart)
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 90 12:17:16 pdt
Subject: Re: Record Shopping in London

Your videotape purchased in London looks scrambled because the UK uses a 
different video format than the US.  Theirs is called PAL, ours is called
NTSC.  Look in the phone book under Video for firms that do conversions
(or get an Indian newspaper at an Indian grocery and look for ads for
The above does not contradict the fact that the airport security machines can
ruin magnetic tapes as well as film (no matter what propaganda they tell you).
In fact, sometimes just the conveyer belt motors can affect magnetic tapes!
				Ken Stuart
PS E-mail to ....sun!rtech!vecvax!ken (sometimes using "reply" doesn't work!).