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Re: All Quiet On The Gaffa Front

From: Lolly Loggerheads <jsd@gaffa.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 10:14:02 -0400
Subject: Re: All Quiet On The Gaffa Front
Organization: The Zik Zak Corporation -- "Know Future"
References: <9006290758.AA16076@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: jsd@gaffa.UUCP (Jon Drukman)

>Really-From: (Neal R Caldwell, Ii)
>As things get strangely quiet here on Love-Hounds I realize that I'm
>having still another new Kate-related experience.  Just as I had never
>experienced the bliss of an new Kate Bush release prior to _The
>Sensual World_ I have never experienced the profound letdown of it
>being "over".

Yes, but wait til you experience the profound letdown of a once-great
artist releasing an album of unlistenable crap.  OF COURSE I'M NOT
TALKING ABOUT KATE, YOU DWEEBS.  (Actually, I was thinking more of
Mike Oldfield, but I don't wanna talk about that.)

>I believe that the increasing involvement of Del Palmer in Kate's work
>did not have a positive affect on _The Sensual World_.  Perhaps even the

Oooh, juicy juicy juicy!  Explain exactly what you mean, please!

>Jorn Barger reports his disappointment at the arrival of a very low
>key official Sensual World T-shirt.  John, where have you been?  Low-key
>seems to be what Kate is all about these days.  

This is one case where the bootleg surpasses the official product.

>of unwashed masses.  Well, unless you count the occasional, "Do you work 
>at Circle K?".

Fortunately, there are no Circle K's here in Massachusetts, so this is
one embarrassment spared us.

>As a couple of people have noted, we may find it easy to ignore
>censorship when it involves groups like 2Live Crew but somewhere
>down that road the censors will be adding _The Infant Kiss_, _Feel It_
>and a host of other great works of art to their bon fires if we let
>them get started.

And what about _The_Sensual_World_?  slipped between my breasts,
indeed!  His *what* took *what* in your *WHAT*???  Slip me the
kerosene, JimBob, we gonna have us an arty english broad BBQ!

>And speaking of Andy someone's query as to what IED stands for is met
>with the usual silence.  A friend of mine to whom I forward
>Love-Hounds and who I'll call Cynthia (because that's her name)
>suggests that it might stand for "In Excelsis Deo".  If that is indeed 
>the meaning of "IED" I leave it the reader to decide how it's intended...

I got an interesting insight into what the DXM part of IED0DXM meant a
while ago.  I always thought IED meant "I'm Extremely Devoted."  (or

>It seems that there have been a couple of people on here asking -- no,
>pleading -- to be taken off the mailing list.  That's all well and
>good but the proper thing to do is note "because I've got access to
>the newsgroup now."

I suppose I should mention that all requests to be added/dropped or
whatever have been cheerfully ignored for some time now and probably
will continue to be.  Dear |>ouglas has been swamped with work from
his new job and has had no time to keep up with l-h.  And now he's on
vacation for a while in Cancun.

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ---------------------+
|  |   |\       | | ZIK ZAK - We make everything you need, |
| \|on |/rukman |  SIT.   Now BEG!  | and you need everything we make.       |