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Date: 9-MAY-1990 17:41:59.10
Subject: Sorry...8|


Okay, okay- I'm sorry I fired up the flame-thrower so hastily.  I was in
a really bad mood, I'm stressed (it's finals, I'm working on a HUGE theatrical
production that goes up tomorrow, could be PMS, etc. etc.), and all that.
If you went to Wesleyan, you'd be in a foul mood too: bomb scares, racial
tensions, newscrews crawling the campus every day from 4-6:30... it's not
an environment conducive to good academic and personal performance, believe
me!  So I just go home and mutate to KT for a while, mmmh, yes!  :)

Yes, folks, I've lightened up considerably!!!

On to another, more absurd subject:

Vickie mentioned a while back Madonna's new tour, and wondered about
possible allusions to the Tour of Life.  Well, if the report in the latest
Rolling Stone is any indication, all similarities end with the headset micro-
phone and scads of dancers.  KaTe didn't wear only lingerie (the Babooshka
costume came later, remember!), she didn't sing "Like A Virgin" on a round
red bed surrounded by panting musclebound men and end the song "humping the
furniture" (to quote the RS article), she didn't make S&M- oriented jokes, and
she wasn't Madonna.  

While I think our beloved Boy Toy (ugh) very probably got the idea from KT,
that's about as far as the influence goes.

Also, I saw that at the Mandela concert in London, Tracy Chapman sang "Don't
Give Up" with Peter Gabriel.  Does anybody know a specific reason why KaTe
wasn't there?  I like Tracy Chapman and everything, but on that song, I really
don't think she could do the high notes justice... :)

KaTeFesT on Monday, 88.1 WESU-FM, if you're in the Middletown or Hartford, CT
area, tune in from 12-2 PM!!!  Suggestions are appreciated...
Meredith Tarr			"Looking for a moment that'll never happen	 Living in the gap between past and future"
Wesleyan University						-KaTe Bush