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From: (Chris'n'Vickie of Kansas City)
Date: Fri, 4 May 90 21:34:50 -0400

Vickie here.

bilbo writes:

> Kate Bush (TSW was a let down, well in particular Reaching Out ack-gasp!,
> The Fog is kind of ho-hum, Deeper Understanding is also ho-hum.  I 
> guess I'm still expecting another Dreaming or 9th Wave.), 

I'm the last person in the world who would want to see the Reaching Out
debate (horrorshow was more like it) start up again. A lot of extremely
nasty things were said and feelings were hurt on both sides of the issue.
Chris and I were able to read news but we were not able to post at that 
time. Now I just have a personal observation that I have to share with those
who care.

Reaching Out (IMHO) is one of the most beautiful and moving songs I have 
ever heard. It touches me emotionally, very deeply. It makes me cry.
It's a "mama" song that is designed to fit with The Fog (a "papa") song,
the way a puzzle piece fits together perfectly. IMHO, TF without RO is
meaningless, and RO without TF is meaningless. They're a loving homage
to her parents and what would Kate be like without Robert and Hannah?
IMHO, it also works (as I'm sure it was designed to) as a metaphor for
being willing to take chances, even though we might fail at what we are
striving to accomplish. It's seeing the world from a fearless child's
point of view. A child who loves it's mother will keep reaching out for
her love, even though the mother may be abusive (I used to think the entire
song was about child abuse), just as those with an unbreakable spirit will
not give up in the face of adversity. 
The hesitant child-like tinkling piano notes at the beginning sent chills
throughout my body the first time I heard it and I just knew it was going
to be a favorite song. As it progressed and her voice got stronger and
more powerful, I can't describe the utter astonishment I experienced at
the way my body and mind reacted to the emotional impact of the song.
I was in awe. I was crying at the end of the song and rarely do I listen
to it now without at least blinking back a few. 
My mother died in late 1982, shortly before The Dreaming was released.
I hadn't felt as emotionally devastated since the first time I heard
All The Love. That was a painful song to listen to then and my heart still
does a small leap when I listen to it now. Reaching Out was (is) a hopeful
song that (for me) soothes the pain that I still feel at my mom's passing.

I know some of you have "technical" reasons for not liking RO. I read them.
I have them on disc and hardcopy. Please, I don't need to read them again.
I posted this to get my feelings off my chest, since I couldn't at that time.
If there are those who wish to start up the whole mess all over again, I
think I'll go away until I've been assured that it's all over, that everyone
has said every nasty, horrible thing that can be said (and has already been
said). This beautiful (IMHO), innocent and heartfelt little song caused more
havoc than I ever would have believed  possible. Some like it, some don't.
It's as simple as that. Please let there be no more flames just because I
wrote this.

Vickie (one of Vickie'n'Chris)