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Date: Mon, 05 Mar 90 12:10 PST
Subject: MisK.

 From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
 Subject: MisK.
 To: Love-Hounds

   First, IED apologizes to Larry Spence (whom he has been unable to
e-mail directly): it is impossible to forward to you, Larry, IED's
earlier posting about David Sylvian's _Weatherbox_, because IED does
not keep anything in his files that is not directly related to Kate Bush.
Perhaps someone else in the groups has kept it.
     The address of the new U.S. KT fanzine is: _Reaching_Out_, P.O. Box
154, Newtonville, MA 02160. Attn.: Cynthia Kiley.
     Meredith Tarr "warns" us that she will transcribe some of the
picture-disk interviews for Love-Hounds soon. IED believes that
none of those interviews has yet been transcribed, Meredith, mainly
because it's slow and difficult work transcribing from an audio/video-tape
or record. If you really are willing to do the job, IED for one would
be _very_ grateful to you.
     IED applauds Neal Richard Caldwell's annotated version of the
lyrics of _Moving_. They are very well put together, and make a
great beginning. Best of luck with the project.
     One final word on this "wrong note in _Wuthering_Heights_ (New Vocal)"
discussion: Vickie, IED has no objection to your feeling that Kate's
g-natural on the New Vocal version of the song _sounds_ wrong. That's
your prerogative. But there can be absolutely no question that it is
not an actual error on _Kate's_ part. That is, you may feel that her
aesthetic decision was improper, but you would simply be wrong if you
meant to say that she had hit the tone she did through an inadvertant
lapse in intonation. The note makes perfect sense from the point of
view of musical logic, and furthermore (as IED pointed out the other
day) Kate has been singing the passage in exactly that way for
more than a decade--there are numerous recordings of performances
of the song in which she includes the same g-natural grace
     For the record, though, the note sounds _beautiful_, in this fan's
opinion. It adds greatly to the melodic climax of the song--in fact, IED
now misses its absence in the original studio version. At least to IED's
ears, the g-natural not only _isn't_ wrong--it doesn't _sound_ wrong,

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)