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Re: Kate Songs in SMUS format

From: woj <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 12:27:47 EST
Subject: Re: Kate Songs in SMUS format

Ray Radlein innocently asks:
> Okay, so we've all seen messages advertising ftp sites for GIFs of Kate -
> and much appreciated they are, too. I have a new question, though: Does
> anyone out there have access to Kate songs in SMUS format? SMUS is a format
> supported by several popular music programs, including Deluxe Music
> Construction Set for the Mac, and DMCS for the Amiga, and most other Amiga
> programs as well...
> So how about it? Some of you GIF-makers out there have as much as owned up
> to posessing Amigas; do any of you have DMCS? And while we're out there,
> have any of you captured Kate samples in, say, 8SVX or IFF format? Any help
> would be greatly appreciated.

As one of those Ami people you mentioned, I'll look into it. I'll be honest
though, it's not my Amiga (though I treat it as if it was) and yes, it does
have a sound digitizer and about 2Meg memory so it can handle a few bars or
so of music before croaking. I'll look into it when I get the chance, just
remember that I'm a second semester ChemE with a nasty class called "lab" 
that (surprisingly) eats up most of my time.
