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Re: Whut Cut?

From: halley! (Steve Williams)
Date: 19 Feb 90 03:52:14 GMT
Subject: Re: Whut Cut?
Organization: Tandem Computers, Austin, TX
Posted-Date: 19 Feb 90 03:52:14 GMT
References: <9002160919.AA03092@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: halley! (Steve Williams)

In a 2-day-old article, Neal R Caldwell writes:

>I'm a bit surprised that I haven't seen any mention here of the fact
>that the "Love and Anger" on "TSW - The Videos" is differant from the
>video shown by MTV and VH1.  The most noticable difference is that
>they cut out the little fit that Kate has when the ballet dancers take 
>the orb and scepter from her.  There are some other changes in the edit
>but I can't name them off hand.  Could this be an edit intended for the 

Is this true?  WHY would they do that?  Next to the simple shots of
(tiny) Kate sitting on her heels, that brief moment was one of the best
in the video (IMFO, of course).  Why cut out *anything* when going from
the broadcast version to the "home" version?  If anything, you'd think
the videos might get longer.

Finally, does the commercial release of the videotape mean that we'll
see no new videos in the near future?

Steve Williams               ...!!halley!steve
Tandem Computers                (512)-244-8252