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Musician magazine review

From: claris! (Scott Lindsey)
Date: 14 Dec 89 09:40:07 GMT
Subject: Musician magazine review
Keywords: Bruce, Runnymede, greed, pad
Organization: Claris Corporation, Santa Clara CA

Presumably, the content of the Dec. issue of _Musician_'s capsule review of
TSW has already been posted (I don't remember, and our spool only goes back
to Dec. 1).  It's a fairly glowing overview of the album.  The thing that
caught my eye was that the picture of the album cover is backwards!  If you
look closely, you can make out the backwards text of the title.

Scott Lindsey     |"Cold and misty morning. I heard a warning borne in the air
Claris Corp.      |    About an age of power when no one had an hour to spare"
ames!claris!wombat| DISCLAIMER: These are not the opinions of Claris, Apple, |    StyleWare, the author, or anyone else living or Dead.