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From: nrc@cbnews.ATT.COM (neal.r.caldwell..ii)
Date: 6 Dec 89 14:34:27 GMT
Subject: (was mailbag)
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Reply-To: nrc@cbnews.ATT.COM (neal.r.caldwell..ii,cb,)

>  From: Andrew Marvick (IED)

>     Woj's "analysis" of the new record is too inept to merit
> reply. IED used to argue tirelessly with people foolish enough to
> embarrass themselves by criticizing Kate's work. Alas, he has not
> the stamina to do so any longer. He just wishes (naturally, without
> any real expectations) that Woj and Drukman and the other supercilious
> nay-sayers who plague this group would go do it someplace else. There
> are other music discussion groups where people as encloaked in ignorance
> as yourselves dither happily without cease. Can you find it in your
> heart to let go of your feelings _there_, rather than here?

Or better still let's start a news group called 
"" with Andrew Marvick as the moderator and 
sole contributor.  I'm truly disappointed that anyone who 
professes to love of Kate's music would have such an attitude.
What is the point of this forum if it is not to openly discuss
Kate's art?  

> >To declare that anything Kate does is
> >perfect by definition is the true foolishness.
>      It's true: IED does declare such a thing. He does not
> expect you or your peers to agree with him. IED Knows. You
> do not. It's as simple as that. As for this Knowledge being
> proof of "foolishness"--that depends on who Knows, what he Knows,
> how he Knows it and who is determining what is "foolishness". In
> this case, IED can rest easy.

This is perhaps the most absurd thing I've ever read on the net.
This same "logic" can be applied to any contention with equal 
effectiveness.  Amaze your friends, prove that the earth is flat
because you Know and they Don't. They may try to convince you 
otherwise but, hey, they just don't Know, do they?  Foolish 

I wonder how Kate would feel about the alleged perfection of her
music.  Maybe that's where the laugh between "Love and Anger" 
and "The Fog" came from.  

What makes this sort of "reasoning" even more ridiculous is that
it comes at a time when Kate's work is arguably less perfect 
than "The Dreaming" or "Hounds of Love". Some of the songs on 
"The Sensual World" seem to lack the inspiration that makes 
Kate's best work so very special.  

"The Fog", "Heads We're Dancing", "Deeper Understanding", "Never
Be Mine", "Rocket's Tail", "This Woman's Work"; all of these are
inspired, the rest of "The Sensual World" is just good pop music
performed by the greatest artist of our time.  (IMHO)

Perhaps Kate has been keeping to herself just a little too much
for her own good.  There's only so much inspiration to be found
in books, films and your own personal recording studio.  

|"Don't drive too slowly."                Richard Caldwell
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