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Re: Lets Talk Music (longish)

From: (Steve Tynor)
Date: 1 Dec 89 19:22:02 GMT
Subject: Re: Lets Talk Music (longish)
Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology
References: <8912011659.AA14137@GAFFA.MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: (Steve Tynor)

In article <8912011659.AA14137@GAFFA.MIT.EDU> declann@scol.UUCP writes:
>Well, I sure I've pissed off just about everybody but thats your
>problem. As I've said, everything is IN MY OPINION ONLY !!!

I for one found it refreshing. There is far too much Kate-worship in this
group. I think she's brilliant (and TD is _still_ my favorite album), but I
think its important to be critical when listening to Kate. I listen to her
music because of it's high quality - not because of ther hair style, or
whether a particular radio station plays it... If the quality isn't there (and
I agree that TSW is substandard (I'll ditto most of the points made in this
article), we should feel free to talk about it and not be afraid to be burned
to the crisp in a flame war.

Progress means replacing something wrong with something more subtly wrong.
    Steve Tynor
    Georgia Tech Research Institute
    Artificial Intelligence Branch