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Re: Reaching Out (was Re: The album's cover + Melody Maker)

From:!mit-eddie!GAFFA.MIT.EDU! (Jon Drukman)
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 89 14:49:19 GMT
Subject: Re: Reaching Out (was Re: The album's cover + Melody Maker)
Organization: The Flip Side Of Now
Posted-Date: Sun, 19 Nov 89 14:49:19 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To:!mit-eddie!gaffa! (Jon Drukman)
Sender:!mit-eddie!! (Mr Background)

In article <> (James Smith) writes:
>But aren't you still just expressing an opinion?  Aren't you just saying
>"I don't like heavy metal, therefore it is shit"?  And if you are so
>narrow minded, are you really qualified to judge how good or bad any
>song is?

Of course I am, you silly boy.  No matter how narrow your mind you are
always entitled to your opinion.  That's what makes Amerika great.  Of
course, when people read *my* opinions they realize that they are reading
the work of an exceptional being and that my opinions have ten times
more weight than the average bimbo.  To paraphrase Kostabi, even now
in this half awake state my statements are more riveting than the average
love hound's.

>Jon Drukman writes:
>>>> My personal opinion is that Kate is at her best when telling us stories.
>>> you are putting forth your own opinion as though it were the absolute
>>> truth, albiet unintentionally.
>> You are a complete illiterate.  Does it not say IN THE VERY LINE
>This was a reply to a reply to a reply to your original message, in
>which you did not say any such thing.  If you had said "IMHO, Reaching
>Out is horrible", I would not have posted, but you did not.
>Perhaps *you* should have read more carefully.

This really pisses me off royally.  First of all, the thing I was
calling you illiterate about you didn't even re-post in this argument.
It is by such sneaky and underhand tactics that wars are started.
If you bothered to actualyl READ the lines you were REPLYING to in
the original message, the sentence started with "to me personally..."
or somethin.  In any case, THIS quote HERE ALSO starts with "My
personal opinion is that..."  How could ANYONE mistake this for
absolute word of god?  Other than the fact that what I say *IS* the
word of god?

>> [Reaching Out...]  You can love it, I will leave it.
>Which is fair enough.  But if you are going to hold opinions so contrary
>to others who read this net, perhaps you should be a bit more careful
>as to how you express them.

NEVER!  As long as there's life in my fingers, I will type whatever it
pleases me to type and if you don't like it, then stick a line to
obliterate my postings in your KILL file.  I happen to think that my
highly offensive and overwritten postings bring a little life to an
otherwise boringly factual net.  If you don't like 'em, then don't
read 'em.

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ----------------------+
|  |   |\       | | "To serve God, you gotta be stupid and  |
| \|on |/rukman | jsd@umass.bitnet  |  freakish and poor."  -- ??             |