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From: calmasd.Prime.COM! (Walter Peterson)
Date: 9 Nov 89 16:28:53 GMT
Subject: Thanks
Keywords: newcommer
Organization: Prime - San Diego R&D (Object and Data Management Group)

I'd like to thank every one who posted and e-mailed answers to my
neophyte questions about Kate, gaffa, etc.  All the responses were
helpfull, friendly and all had a 'welcome to the club' feel.  This is
*HIGHLY* unusual for for USENET. Usually half the responses to any
question ( particularly on the comp. groups ) simply tell you what an
ass you are for aasking such an obvious question.  This is going to be
a refreshingly nice group to read, I think.

Again, Thanks to all of you.



"Exploring the consensual hallucination of cyberspace."
Walt Peterson.  wlp@calmasd.Prime.COM
"The opinions expressed here are my own."