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Re: Jane Siberry

From: adams%bosco.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeffrey P. Adams)
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 20:14:53 GMT
Subject: Re: Jane Siberry
Distribution: na
Organization: UC Berkeley Math Dept
References: <> <3116@hydra.gatech.EDU>
Reply-To: adams%bosco.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeffrey P. Adams)
Sender: usenet%agate.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (USENET Administrator;;;;ZU44)

>>In most moods I consider NBH her best, with JS and TSS tied for second.
>I'm glad someone has mentioned NBH (there's been a lot of recent Jane postings
>and most seem to imply that The Walking is her best (I have it, but never
>listen too it - I find it quite boring). NBH is definitely my fave Jane. Not
>one bad tune - and those twisted lyrics!

Speaking of twisted lyrics on NBH, can anyone help me decipher
the pseudo-title track, Dancing Class?  What's this business
with Berlin (& the German girl) and being 200 years old, and
what do politics and dancing have to do with each other?

I don't get it.

And does everyone agree that "Mimi on the Beach" is a more-or-
less religious call-to-repentance focusing on pride?  With the
"great Leveler" a reference to Christ?

          Jeff Adams           