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From: munnari!!graham@uunet.UU.NET (Graham Dombkins)
Date: 1 Nov 89 06:09:23 GMT
Subject: KT HITS OZ!!!
Keywords: KT, TSW, AbouT Time Too!
Organization: University of Wollongong
UnliKe The resT of you lucKy Love-Hounds ouT The who goT KT on, or abouT The 17Th of SepT. We Oz-Hounds have been KepT waiTing. WELL IT CAME OUT TODAY (1sT Nov.)!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had be aT my local music dealer for monThs abouT The new KT album. I only had To walK in The door (aT leasT Twice a day) and he would looK up and shaKe his head and say "No, sorry... NoT Today Graham" Well Today I rang jusT as The laTesT shipmenT was coming in The door so I goT To hear all The box ripping over The phone as he looKed for my CD. You guessed iT! There was TSW Tapes, TSW LP's BUT NO CD's!! The EMI disTribuTer had Kindly senT a dozen BILL COSBY CD's in misTaKe!! No hassel we (STephen and myself) were down liKe a shoT and boughT The LP To saTe us Till The CD came in. John, The dealer, who had really been looKing forward To TSW since I sTarTed on him abouT iT was very upseT abouT The mucK-up and offered To give me The LP Till The CD goT in. Nice guy. Anyway, we lefT The sTore wiTh TSW belTing ouT over The sTores sound sysTem (hmmmmmmm yyyeeeeeeesssss) and I danced down The sTreeT. So all you Oz-Hounds ouT There, geT wiTh iT!!!! IT'S HERE!!! - Graham