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To Gary L. Dare (or anybody else from Montreal or Toronto)

From: (Edward Suranyi)
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 89 20:37:32 PDT
Subject: To Gary L. Dare (or anybody else from Montreal or Toronto)

I mentioned this at the bottom of my "Lots of Little Things" posting,
but perhaps the right people didn't see it.

I will be in Montreal from Sept. 14 through Sept. 28.  That's exactly
when the new single is supposed to be released.  I used to live in 
Montreal, so I'm familiar with the city overall, but I'm not familiar
with the current record store situation there.  Can anybody tell me if
there are some stores that are likely to have the single as an import?

I will also probably be in Toronto for a few days, so if anybody knows
anything about that city's record stores, please tell me.

Please e-mail your responses, if you can.

Thanks in advance,
