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The Lost Single (?)

From: Randall Knowles Smith <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 89 09:39:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: The Lost Single (?)

OK, now my interest has been piqued.  Why is the "There Goes A Tenner"
single a Lost Single?  Wasn't released?  Wasn't released in America?
Every single copy simultaneously dropped on a cement floor?  Please,
don't drop hints like that and not follow them up!  After all, I'm
pretty sure this hasn't been discussed in at least a year, and, as the
Peter Reich/Cloudbusting controversy shows, a six-month attention span
is about the best one can hope for on the net.  Speaking of which...
(nice segue, huh.  I'm very proud of it myself.)
As stated above, this has been discussed before.  My favorite argument
was IED's, because, unsurprisingly enough, it had the most documentation.
The salient points were, I believe:
Reich was a RESPECTED psychologist around the time of Freud.  His works
in that field were considered very important, at least to other psychologists.
So calling him a simple con-artist or fool has some problems.  Where he got
his interest in Orgone Energy was not explained, as far as I remember, but
apparently there was some strong debate about the fairness of the FDA's
actions.  While I hold Martin Gardner in the highest regard, I feel his
attempts at debunking are a waste of time; people will believe as they
wish, despite massive evidence to the contrary.  (Of course, he may have a
better reason; since I can't solve most of his puzzles, I don't feel entirely
confident disparaging his motives for anything.  He's a smart cookie.)
Calling Reich wrong is strong enough.  Making him malevolent, as some people
seem intent upon (as the FDA did) is unnecessary and, possibly, unfair.
Besides, it's a great song.

On another tack, I was listening to NFE last night, and was wondering about
the people mentioned in "Blow Away (for Bill)."  Does anyone know who
these people are?

Randy Smith

Oh yes, go see SARAH McLACHLAN if she comes within a 50 mile radius of
your location.  The concert was AMAZING.  VERY reminiscint of Kate.
Her last song, after being dragged out by an appreciative audience for a
third time, was "My Lagan Love", sung a capella.  Almost as good as seeing
Kate live, which, of course, would be the ultimate experience.