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From: Oblivious and Numb <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 89 11:31 PST
Subject: one bad pun; KopyrighT KommenT
>From: halley!halley.mp3! (Steve Williams) >In a short break from our discussions of tape ethics and (harking >back a few days) whether or not |>oug \/\/as |>runK when he lambasted >some lame non-believer, we now pause for a recommendation: I was going to suggest that if :>oug |>rinKs, at least he does so in moderation... One KommenT regarding the KopyrighT stuff: if KaTe were to KranT (oKay, so that's stretching it a bit) IED permission, she would KnoT be maKing her musiK PubliK Domain. LAters.